jhass / nodeinfo

NodeInfo defines a standardized way to expose metadata about an installation of a distributed social network

Home Page:http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

meta: move this repo into own organisation

6543 opened this issue · comments


if we move this repo into it's own org, it would allow to manage permissions way more granular via teams.

also it would appear more "official" :)

Well, unfortunately https://github.com/nodeinfo is already gone.

For now I'm happy to just add contributors with full permissions to this repo, to be frank I don't foresee issue and contribution volume to outgrow my capacity here in the long term 😇 Of course I'll reconsider this at any moment should my expectation be wrong.


I have asked if we can get the namespace ...
else what about nodeinfo-spec.

I personally still prefere organizations for projects not tied to one person.

Anyway its not urgent so lets wait till we might get an answer