jgru / xmpp-mitm

Python utility that decrypts TLS encrypted XMPP traffic by acting as an active MITM and looking for STARTTLS requests

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Basic functionality

This script decrypts TLS encrypted XMPP traffic by acting as an active MITM and observing for STARTTLS requests. Furtheron it sniffs on the specified interface and dumps SSL keys of its handshakes. It listens on the specified port, where the XMPP traffic should be redirected to (.e.g with iptables). When the client wants to connect, the proxy acts as the legitimate server, opens another socket to the actual target of the client and forwards the traffic in both directions. If STARTTLS messages and according TLS-record handshake signature ‘0x16 0x03’ are observed, then TLS handshakes will be performed on both sides and the pre-master secrets will be logged for later inspection and decryption of the stored packets (e.g. with wireshark).


# python 3 xmpp _ mitm . py -h
usage: xmpp_mitm.py [-h] [--iface IFACE] [--write_file WRITE_FILE]
		    [--sslkeylog SSLKEYLOG] [--port PORT] [--cert CERT]
		    [--key KEY]

This script decrypts TLS encrypted XMPP traffic by acting as an active MITM
and observing for STARTTLS requests. Furtheron it sniffs on the specified
interface and dumps SSL keys of its handshakes. It listens on the specified
port, where the XMPP traffic should be redirected to (.e.g with iptables).
When the client wants to connect, the proxy acts as the legitimate server,
opens another socket to the actual target of the client and forwards the
traffic in both directions. If STARTTLS messages and according TLS-record
handshake signature '0x16 0x03' are observed, then TLS handshakes will be
performed on both sides and the pre-master secrets will be logged for later
inspection and decryption of the stored packets (e.g. with wireshark).

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --iface IFACE, -i IFACE
			NIC to sniff from
  --write_file WRITE_FILE, -w WRITE_FILE
			Path to .pcap-file to store sniffed packets
  --sslkeylog SSLKEYLOG, -s SSLKEYLOG
			Path to .txt-file to store pre-master secrets and
			session keys
  --port PORT, -p PORT  Port to listen on. Iptables has to redirect here
  --cert CERT, -c CERT  Path to cert file to use as server
  --key KEY, -k KEY     Path to key file corresponding to a/m cert


Overview of the functionality

For painless deployment of a MITM-router, an Ansible role is provided, which creates a transparent gateway, which provides DHCP on the green interface. iptables forwards incoming traffic to a specified port, where the xmmp_mitm.py inspects the packets and does its magic.

|        Virtuelles internes Netzwerk      |
|                                          |
| +----------------+                +------+--------+          +------+--------+                               +---------------+
| |                |                |               |          |               |                               |               |
| | Object under   |      XMPP      |  transparent  |          |{s}   NAT      |           /--------\          | Jabber-Server |
| | investigation  +<-------------->+     proxy     +<-------->+    Gateway    +<----------+  WWW   +--------->+               |
| |                |    Traffic     |               |          |               |           \=-------/          |               |
| +----------------+                +------+----+-+-+          +------+--------+                               +---------------+
|     XMPP Client                   xmpp_  |    | |                                                               XMPP Service
|                                  mitm.py |    | |
+=-----------------------------------------+    | +--------+
						 |          |
						 v          v
					     +---+---+  +---+---+
					     |{s}    |  |{d}    |
					     | Pcap  |  | TLS   |
					     | file  |  | Keys  |
					     |       |  |       |
					     +---+---+  +-------+

Inner workings

The following chart illustrates the working components, which are set up by the provided ansible role.

|                                                     |
|                                                     |
|                            +------------------------+---------------------------+
|                            |                                +------+ +------+   |
|                            |                                |{s}   | |{d}   |   |
|                            |                                :      | : SSL  |   |
|                            |               +-----------+    | Pcap | | Key  |   |
|                            |               |           |    |      | | Log  |   |
|                            |       +------>+  dnsmasq  |    +---+--+ +--+---+   |
|                            |       |       |           |        ^       ^       |
|                            |       |       |           |        |       |       |
|                            | +--+  |       +-----------+        | +-----+ +--+  |
|                            | |  |  |                            | |       |  |  |
|                            | |  |  |   +------------------------+-+-+     |  |  |
|                            | |  |  |   |  +------------+        | | |     |  |  |
|                            | |  |  |   |  |            +--------+ | |     |  |  |
|                            | |  |  |   |  | Sniffer    +<---------+-+---->+  |  |
|                            | |  |  |   |  |            |          | |     |  |  |
|   +----------------+  DHCP | |  |  |   |  +------------+          | |     |  |  |
|   |                +<------+-+  +--+   |                          | |     |  |  |
|   |                |       | |  |      |                          | |     |  |  |
|   |                |       | |  |      |  +----------+-+          | |     |  |  |
|   |                |  XMPP | |  |      |  |            +----------+ |     |  |  |
|   |    host in     +<------+-+  +------+->+ XMPP MitM  +<-----------+-----+  +--+--------->
|   |    question    |       | |  |      |  |            |            |     |  |  |
|   |                |       | |  |      |  +-----+------+            |     |  |  |
|   |                | Other | |  |      |        ^                   |     |  |  |
|   |                +<------+-+  +--+   |        |                   |   +-+  +--+--------->
|   |                |       | |  |  |   |  +-----+------+            |   | |  |  |
|   +----------------+       | |  |  |   |  |            |            |   | |  |  |
|                            | |  |  |   |  + Initiator  +  xmpp_     |   | |  |  |
|                            | |  |  |   |  |            |  mitm.py   |   | |  |  |
|                            | +--+  |   |  +-----+------+            |   | +--+  |
|                            | eth0  |   +--------^-------------------+   | eth1  |
|                            |       |            |                       |       |
|                            |       |            |redirect               |       |
|                            |       |            |                       |       |
|                            |       |   +--------+-------------------+   |       |
|                            |       +-->+     iptables forward       +<--+       |
|                            |           +----------------------------+           |
|                            |                                                    |
|                            |               Transparent Proxy                    |
|                            +--------------------------+-------------------------+
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                        vboxnet                        |


Python utility that decrypts TLS encrypted XMPP traffic by acting as an active MITM and looking for STARTTLS requests

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 90.8%Language:Jinja 9.2%