jgrevich / docker-adobe-media-server

Adobe Media Server docker setup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Docker setup for running Adobe Media server

This is a work-in-progress -- docker container installs the server, but doesn't actually run it yet (see "notes" below).

By default, a trial version of the Adobe Media Server will be installed. If you have a license file, copy into the folder lic.

to build the docker container image

docker-compose build

Run server


In background

docker-compose up -d

In foregraund

docker-compose up


docker-compose run --service-ports ams


to check whether started:

docker-compose ps

to view logs (all redirected from /opt/adobe/ams/logs to stdout):

docker-compose logs

to exec some command (e.g. bash) inside running container

docker exec -it docker-adobe-media-server_ams_1 bash

and then feel free to exit from it - server will not stop

To disable access log (if too verbose)

  • Option 1. Uncomment #command: /start.sh --disable-access-log`` in docker-compose.ymlbefore runningdocker-compose up -dordocker-compose run --service-ports ams`
  • Option 2. docker-compose run --service-ports ams /start.sh --disable-access-log

Manually (just for development/experiments/tests)

Run and start bash (we will be running the server from here). Note: We have to use --service-ports because by default, the docker-compose run command does not map ports.

docker-compose run --service-ports ams bash

to run the server:

/opt/adobe/ams/server start

you'll also likely want to run the admin server (required for admin console to work)

./amsmgr adminserver start

In this mode you need to stay logged into bash to keep the server running.


  • Make it so LD_LIBRARY_PATH isn't needed (or add to .bashrc or something)

Testing the server

Video-on-demand streaming

rtmpdump and curl are installed for convenience:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib"
rtmpdump -r rtmp://localhost:1935/vod/media/sample.flv -o test.flv


curl rtmp://localhost:1935/vod/media/sample.flv > test.flv


Visit http://localhost to see sample files that ship with server, and you can use interactive demo to publish live video from your camera. You can also playback from same application in the browser, or download:

rtmpdump -V --live -r rtmp://localhost:1935/live/cameraFeed -o test.flv


Test whether ports are open to docker container

To test whether you can connect to AMS, you can download the sample.flv file using this command:

rtmpdump -V -r rtmp://localhost:1935/vod/media/sample.flv -o test.flv

If you want to check against the original, you can copy it using this command:

docker cp <container id>:/opt/adobe/ams/applications/vod/media/sample.flv ./sample.flv

sample.flv and test.flv should be identical.

Additional tools

send sample file to live app via ffmpeg (not installed)

ffmpeg -i sample.flv -f flv "rtmp://localhost:1935/live/your_stream_id"


ffmpeg -i sample.flv -f flv "rtmps://localhost:443/live/your_stream_id"


ffmpeg -i sample.flv -f flv "rtmpt://localhost:1935/live/your_stream_id"

Tested on ffmpeg v3.4.6 in official Ubuntu 18.04 while v2.8.15 in Ubuntu 16.04 did not work with RTMPS


Adobe Media Server docker setup

License:MIT License


Language:Dockerfile 75.9%Language:Shell 24.1%