jgraph / drawio-desktop

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drawio GUI app writing to parent process console causes distorted view there

tbali0524 opened this issue · comments

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Describe the bug
This is not really a bug, but a behaviour that is a bit annoying, so I just kindly ask to check if anything can be done on drawio side. (I understand if you decide not to).
The problem comes from the fact that even if drawio is a GUI app, it writes output to the parent process's console that started it.
That causes problem when I open it just by clicking on a local .drawio file in a Far Manager, which is a file manager with both UI and console. After closing the drawio app, the Far manager panel becomes distorted and needs manual reset.
I opened ticket at Far manager github, here is their explanation of the problem:
FarGroup/FarManager#495 (comment)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Use Far manager
  2. Open drawio app pressing enter on any local .drawio file (file extension associations take effect)
  3. Close the drawio app
  4. the Far Manager panel gets distorted by drawio console output

Expected behavior
Drawio GUI app does not write to parent process console, especially when there were NO errors.

draw.io version (In the Help->About menu of the draw.io editor):

  • draw.io version v24.2.5

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 11

Additional context

We've increased the logging level to error only. It will be available in the next release
Thanks for the report