jgauffin / Griffin.WebServer

A web server built on top of Griffin.Framework

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It's not possible to run multiple HTTP servers in a single process / static buffer issue

morpheusxx opened this issue · comments

I need to run multiple HTTP server instances within a single process to support multiple IP addresses and multiple sites.

In principle I'm trying to:

        var server_IPv4 = new HttpServer(moduleManager);
        server_IPv4.Start(IPAddress.Any, 0);

        var server_IPv6 = new HttpServer(moduleManager);
        server_IPv6.Start(IPAddress.IPv6Any, 0);

The 2nd call does fail when the HttpMessageBuilder pop slices from "_stack" which is defined as:

    private static readonly IBufferSliceStack _stack = new BufferSliceStack(100, 65535);

So after the static 100 buffers are used for first server, the 2nd one will fail in Pop method with:

    public IBufferSlice Pop()
        PooledBufferSlice slice;
        if (_slices.TryPop(out slice))
            return slice;

        throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("All {0} has been given out.", _numberOfBuffers));

Simply removing "static" from buffer definition causes an OutOfMemoryException, as the total number of buffer would be created for each "Pop".

Is this WebServer intended to run only as one instance per process? If not, this is a bug and I really would like to see it fixed soon :-)

The change was in Griffin.Networking. the HttpMessageFactory now has a constructor which takes a bufferslicestack. So when you create the WebServer use the constructor which takes a configuiration DTO.