jgauffin / Griffin.WebServer

A web server built on top of Griffin.Framework

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TypeLoadException on HttpServer.Start()

fean opened this issue · comments

First of all thanks for all your work on this nicely written library!

Well, I'm trying to use your HttpServer class to serve a stream to a local device. Because the .Net HttpListener class needs elevated rights to run on any specific URL I quickly started looking at alternatives. So that's when I found your implementation.

I implemented IWorkerModule to handle the requests the way I need. Added it to a ModuleManager and added that to an instance of HttpServer. But the moment I call Start() this System.TypeLoadException is thrown:

Method 'CreateClient' in type 'Griffin.WebServer.HttpServer' from assembly 'Griffin.WebServer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not have an implementation.

For reference here is my startListening() method:

/// <summary>
/// Start the HTTP request listener.
/// </summary>
public void startListening()
    //Add the streaming module to the 
    moduleManager = new ModuleManager();
    moduleManager.Add(new HttpStreamingModule());

    // Create and start the HTTP server
    server = new HttpServer(moduleManager);
    server.Start(IPAddress.Any, 54321);

Here is my implementation of the IWorkerModule also:

/// <summary>
/// Server module that handles incoming http requests
/// </summary>
public class HttpStreamingModule : IWorkerModule
    #region "Unused IWorkerModule methods"
    public void BeginRequest(Griffin.WebServer.IHttpContext context) { }

    public void EndRequest(Griffin.WebServer.IHttpContext context) { }

    /// <summary>
    /// Handles any incoming client. Prepares the http request and puts the stream in the connected streams.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="context">The http request context.</param>
    /// <param name="callback">The async callback, to be called when the operation finishes.</param>
    public void HandleRequestAsync(Griffin.WebServer.IHttpContext context, System.Action<IAsyncModuleResult> callback)
        // Prepping the response headers
        context.Response.ContentType = "audio/mp3";
        context.Response.StatusCode = 200;
        context.Response.StatusDescription = "OK";
        context.Response.KeepAlive = true;

        // Create a new response stream
        context.Response.Body = new System.IO.MemoryStream();

        // Put the response stream in the streams list

        // Call the async callback telling the server we are done
        callback(new AsyncModuleResult(context, ModuleResult.Continue));

It's probably just something I forgot or misinterpreted from your DemoServer. Oh, I almost forgot, I'm using the NuGet package for Griffin.WebServer.

I'm having the exact same problem with the NuGet package.

I was investigating the cause of a problem I have with my C#/Web project, decided to update Griffin.WebServer and now the application doesn't even start. I'm getting the same error as the OP and I installed the package through NuGet as well.
After applying a general update to all my installed packages through NuGet, the problem seems to have been fixed.

Published a new package with has Griffin.Framework as dependency instead of Griffin.Networking. Should take care of all issues.