jflot / HapPy

Haploidy and Size Completeness Estimation

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Haploidy with Python.

Easy haploidy and size completeness estimation.


1. General

This tool helps assess the haploidy and proximity to size completeness.

HapPy computes two values:

  • Area Under Curve (AUC) ratio: the ratio of the AUC of the diploid peak and the AUC of the haploid peak
  • Total Size Score (TSS): the estimated haploid size completeness

For more information, see: Overcoming uncollapsed haplotypes in long-read assemblies of non-model organisms, Nadège Guiglielmoni, Antoine Houtain,Alessandro Derzelle, Karine van Doninck, Jean-François Flot, bioRxiv 2020, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.03.16.993428


  • sambamba
  • scipy
  • pandas
  • numpy
$ python HapPy/Hap.py -h
usage: Hap.py [-h] {depth,estimate} ...

Estimate assembly haploidy based on base depth of coverage histogram.

positional arguments:
    depth           Obtain a depth of coverage histogram for the assembly using sambamba depth base.
    estimate        Computes haploidy score based on the coverage distribution.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit

2. Module depth

This module runs sambamba on a read alignment file then reads the output depth file to obtain a coverage histogram.

$ python HapPy/Hap.py depth -h
usage: Hap.py depth [-h] [-t THREADS] BAM OUT

positional arguments:
  BAM                   <STRING> A path to the reads alignment on the assembly (.bam file).
  OUT                   <STRING> An output path for the coverage files (.cov and .hist files).                                     

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS <INT> Number of threads for sambamba. Default: [4].

3. Module estimate

Takes .hist output file of Hap.py depth and outputs metrics in a text file and optionnally a graph.


$ python HapPy/Hap.py estimate -h 
usage: Hap.py estimate [-h] [-mc MAX_CONTAMINANT] [-md MAX_DIPLOID]
                       [-mp MIN_PEAK] [-p ]
                       HIST OUT SIZE

positional arguments:
  HIST                  <STRING> A path to the histogram output of the `Hap.py depth` command (.hist file).
  OUT                   <STRING> A path for the output directory.
  SIZE                  <STRING> An expected assembly size (in bp) to compute the Total Size Score. Valid multipliers are (K, M, G) e.g.: 10K = 10000.
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -mc MAX_CONTAMINANT, --max-contaminant MAX_CONTAMINANT <INT> Maximum coverage of contaminants. Default: [35] 
  -md MAX_DIPLOID, --max-diploid MAX_DIPLOID <INT> Maximum coverage of the diploid peak. Default: [120]
  -mp MIN_PEAK, --min-peak MIN_PEAK <INT> Minimum peak height. Default: [150000]
  -p, --plot      Output plots. Default: False

4. Example

Here is an example on how to use HapPy. HapPy requires a sorted BAM file as input. Here the PacBio long reads are mapped to the assembly with minimap2, and the output is sorted with samtools. The sorted BAM file is also indexed with samtools. The module depth computes the coverage histogram from the BAM file, and then the module estimate computes the AUC ratio and TSS. Here the max x value for the contaminant peak is set to 35, the max x value for the diploid peak is set to 120, and the min y for a peak is set to 150000. The expected genome size is set to 102M.

minimap2 -ax map-pb assembly.fasta.gz pacbio_reads.fasta.gz --secondary=no | samtools sort -o mapping_LR.map-pb.bam -T tmp.ali
samtools index mapping_LR.map-pb.bam
Hap.py depth mapping_LR.map-pb.bam happy_output
Hap.py estimate --max-contaminant 35 --max-diploid 120 --min-peak 150000 happy_output/mapping_LR.map-pb.bam.hist . 102M


Haploidy and Size Completeness Estimation

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%