jezdez / django-staticfiles

[Unmaintained] A Django app that provides helpers for serving static files, used in Django and Pinax.

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django 1.2 can not use 1.1+

akumria opened this issue · comments

It is not clear to me whether or not Django 1.2 is supposed to be able to use django-staticfiles 1.1+

The changelog for v1.1 says:
"Updated list of supported Django versions: 1.2.X, 1.3.X and 1.4.X"

However with Django 1.2.7 and django-staticfiles v1.1.2, configured with:


STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, '..', 'docroot')

STATIC_URL = '/static-new/'

os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'static'),

Running collectstatic returns:

% python film/ collectstatic -h
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "film/", line 11, in <module>
  File "/home/anand/Work/<company>/<org>-env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 438, in execute_manager
  File "/home/anand/Work/<company>/<org>-env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 379, in execute
  File "/home/anand/Work/<company>/<org>-env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 261, in fetch_command
    klass = load_command_class(app_name, subcommand)
  File "/home/anand/Work/<company>/<org>-env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 68, in load_command_class
    return module.Command()
  File "/home/anand/Work/<company>/<org>/film/apps/staticfiles/management/commands/", line 54, in __init__'')
  File "/home/anand/Work/<company>/<org>-env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/utils/", line 276, in __getattr__
  File "/home/anand/Work/<company>/<org>/film/../film/apps/staticfiles/", line 262, in _setup
    self._wrapped = get_storage_class(settings.STATICFILES_STORAGE)()
  File "/home/anand/Work/<company>/<org>-env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/utils/", line 277, in __getattr__
    return getattr(self._wrapped, name)
AttributeError: 'Settings' object has no attribute 'STATICFILES_STORAGE'

This is because their is no default file within the staticfile app (as in v1.0.1).

Using staticfiles 1.0.1 and the collectstatic command works fine.

I'm not sure what's going on here, but the latest staticfiles does run on Django 1.2.

The tests pass:

Your assumption about the in the app is wrong as the newer django-staticfiles has been using django-appconf, and defined the STATICFILES_STORAGE setting here:

If you can show me a test case or an easy to use example project to show how this breaks for you, I'd be happy to try to fix it. But from my perspective staticfiles just works fine on 1.2.X.

Closing for now as I can't reproduce the problem.