JeyDi / FastAICourse

My Fast AI Course Repository

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Repository of my FastAI Courses.

This is my Machine Learning and Deep learning journey to better understand and practise all the stuff related to Data Science with online courses.

There are different folders for any course (Machine Learning, Deep Learning and NLP).

There's also the official fast-ai repository that can be found here:

Usefull links:

I have worked on my machine, so there are instructions for course installation

  1. Create a new conda environment

    •    conda create -n fastai python=3.6 anaconda 
    • Go to the fast-ai folder inside the repo and launch the update command, all the required packages will be installed (because of requirements.yaml file)
    •    conda env update
    •    source activate fastai 
  2. If it's required Install pytorch with CUDA (based on your CUDA installation on your PC) [If you do the update with conda with the requirements.yaml file, this is not required]

    • Activate the environment and install pytorch

    • conda activate fastai
      conda install -c pytorch pytorch cudatoolkit=10.1


My Fast AI Course Repository

License:MIT License