jeyben / IOSLinkedInAPI

Simple and non intrusive library to get access tokens for LinkedIn using Oauth2.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Revert podspec AFNetworking dependency

metova-developer opened this issue · comments

It looks like you updated the podspec for 1.0.0 a month ago so that the AFNetworking dependency is version 1.3.3. It used to be 1.2.1, which is what I've been using in my app. Since the pod version wasn't updated with this change, pod install fails for me unless I change my AFNetworking version to 1.3.3. However, when I do that, I run into other problems with your linkedin pod.

I think the pod version should have been updated to 1.0.1 when the AFNetworking dependency version changed. Oddly enough, your repo shows 1.2.2 as the dependency for version 1.0.0, but Cocoapods shows 1.3.3.

Here's the Cocoapods podspec for version 1.0.0:

And here's your current one:

With that being said, thanks for making a great LinkedIn library!


Thanks for filing the issue and sorry for the rather late response.

I fully agree with you. It should have been a version 1.0.1 and I promise I would have done it that way if it was me.

The problem is that it is the guy which as submitted the changes to the podspecs repository directly without first contributing to this project or at least letting me or the project know about it.

I am sorry for the problems it must have caused you and/or other people.

But maybe you will checkout the new version 2.0.0 (which again uses a new version of afnetworking)?

Hi Jacob,

I am trying to use IOSLinkedInAPI in my project. I need some help please.
here is what I did:

  1. I added "Podfile" and "Podfile.lock" in the folder where my project file is.
  2. From Terminal shell, from the folder where "Podfile" is, I did : pod install then Podfile folder has been created.
  3. in my ViewController.mI added this:
    #import "AFHTTPRequestOperation.h"
    #import "LIALinkedInHttpClient.h"
    #import "LIALinkedInApplication.h"

the compiler does not complain but the linker does.

then I was wondering shall I add the .m of these files into "Build Phases" --> "Compile Sources" ?
this means that the whole library has to be re-compiled and re-linked?
is this right? I was hoping not to re-do the recompiling of the library?

Hi Jacob,

I could fix my linking problem (see above). I just added the flag $(inherited) "recursive" in the HEADER_SEARCH_FLAGS and OTHER_LDFLAGS .
