jetstack / terraform-google-gke-cluster

A Terraform module to create a best-practise Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Enable workload identity

wwwil opened this issue · comments


Actually, Terraform propose already :

  • to switch on "workload identity" for cluster
workload_identity_config {
    identity_namespace = "${var.google_project}"
    workload_metadata_config {
      node_metadata = "GKE_METADATA_SERVER"

What's missing is bilateral binding between Kube's Service Accounts and GCP IAM Service Accounts.

gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
  --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
  --member "serviceAccount:[PROJECT_ID][default/default]" \

Do you think your module covers this scope ?


is there an update here? does anybody know how to bind GSA to KSA with terraform?

For binding we can use google_service_account_iam_binding resource and for annotation there is no terraform resource. I have used null resource.

#Binding google service account and K8s service account

resource "google_service_account_iam_binding" "gsa_ksa_binding" {
  service_account_id = "projects/${var.project}/serviceAccounts/${var.gke_sa_email}" 
  role               = "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser"

  members = [

#annotating k8s service account

resource "null_resource" "annotate_ksa" {
  triggers = {
    cluster_ep = "${google_container_cluster.gke_cluster.endpoint}"  #kubernetes cluster endpoint

  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = <<EOT
        gcloud container clusters get-credentials $${K8S_CLUSTER} --zone $${K8S_ZONE} --project $${K8S_PROJECT}
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount --namespace flux flux$${GCP_SA_EMAIL}
        kubectl annotate serviceaccount --namespace flux default$${GCP_SA_EMAIL}

    environment = {
     GCP_SA_EMAIL    = "${var.gke_sa_email}"
     K8S_CLUSTER    = "${}"
     K8S_ZONE       = "${var.location}"
     K8S_PROJECT    = "${var.project}"
  depends_on = ["google_service_account_iam_binding.gsa_ksa_binding"]

#var.project=project id
var.gke_sa_email= Google service account email.

This project is now deprecated so we aren't accepting any further changes.