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[agent] Have agent run data gathers in its config

charlieegan3 opened this issue · comments

Users of the agent need to the agent to collect data, this should be configured based on the config file contents and work much the same as it does in preflight core


  • use preflight-core implementation to build similar data gather functionality in the agent
  • run the data gatherers configured in the config file

Acceptance Criteria:

  • for now, the agent prints the gathered data to the console in a json format.
  • only data gatherers in the config are run

Internal: Created from: Needs:

The PR for this #95 is blocked until we get the new datagatherer config in from #82, part of #64.

We might need to spilt that part from the other changes to allow this to get in faster.

I have continued with #95, which is now waiting for review.

Clicked the wrong button :) and closed the issue by accident.