jet / falanx

Generates F# code from protobuf schema for binary and json format

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Recursively nested types fail

7sharp9 opened this issue · comments

// This proto includes a recusively nested message.
message NestedTestAllTypes {
  NestedTestAllTypes child = 1;
  TestAllTypes payload = 2;
  repeated NestedTestAllTypes repeated_child = 3;

This results in:

falanx_test.fs(835, 13): [FS0001] This expression was expected to have type� 
ConcreteCodec<KeyValuePair<string,JToken> list,KeyValuePair<string,JToken> list,NestedTestAllTypes,NestedTestAllTypes>

but here has type�:
(IReadOnlyDictionary<string,JsonValue> -> Result<NestedTestAllTypes,DecodeError>) * (NestedTestAllTypes -> IReadOnlyDictionary<string,JsonValue>)

I think this is something that @gusty was expecting with Fleece?

As single self referencing type fails:

type NestedTestAllTypes =
    { mutable child : NestedTestAllTypes option }

    static member JsonObjCodec =
        fun child  -> { child = child}
        |> Fleece.Newtonsoft.withFields
        |> Fleece.Newtonsoft.jfieldOpt ("child") (fun x -> x.child) 

falanx_test.fs(800, 12): [FS0001] Type mismatch. Expecting a:

(IReadOnlyDictionary<string,JsonValue> -> Result<(TestAllTypes option -> NestedTestAllTypes),DecodeError>) * (NestedTestAllTypes -> IReadOnlyDictionary<string,JsonValue>) -> ConcreteCodec<KeyValuePair<string,JToken> list,KeyValuePair<string,JToken> list,NestedTestAllTypes,NestedTestAllTypes>

but given a:

SplitCodec<IReadOnlyDictionary<string,JsonValue>,(TestAllTypes option -> NestedTestAllTypes),NestedTestAllTypes> -> (IReadOnlyDictionary<string,JsonValue> -> Result<NestedTestAllTypes,DecodeError>) * (NestedTestAllTypes -> IReadOnlyDictionary<string,JsonValue>)

The type:

ConcreteCodec<KeyValuePair<string,JToken> list,KeyValuePair<string,JToken> list,NestedTestAllTypes,NestedTestAllTypes>

does not match the type:

(IReadOnlyDictionary<string,JsonValue> -> Result<NestedTestAllTypes,DecodeError>) * (NestedTestAllTypes -> IReadOnlyDictionary<string,JsonValue>)

Fleece should handle recursive types without any problem when using implicit codecs (overloads) which is the case here.

This failure seems to be due to a bug that was introduced recently.

I'll have a look and see how can it be solved.

@gusty The solution was to use the ConcreteCodec parts and depreciate the use of `jfieldOpt etc?


To add more context: the problem is that ConcreteCodecwas introduced as the way to define codecs, while the jfield family of functions were kept as backward compatible, but this caused a problem with recursive definitions as both overloads exists and the priority is given to the ConcreteCodec.

So, an easy fix is:

  • in Fleece rename the JsonObjCodec method
  • in Falanx also change that to that new name

A better but more complicated fix is what you say: use in Falanx ConcreteCodec which will be the supported way moving forward.

Would ConcreteCodec alleviate the issue with tuple encoding?

Yes, ConcreteCodec does not suffer the infinite recursion, as it's the default overload.