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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Usage of external project resources

vchekan opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
There are 2 resources used in paket.dependencies as github urls. This is not desirable as we do not have control over those and they can be removed any time and will break project.

github 7sharp9/FSharp.TypeProviders.SDK:generator src/ProvidedTypes.fs 
github 7sharp9/FSharp.TypeProviders.SDK:generator src/ProvidedTypesTesting.fs 
github enricosada/dotnet-proj-info test/dotnet-proj.Tests/FileUtils.fs

Expected behavior
If we use dependencies, it is better to relay on nuget packages which have much stricter removal rules.

If you truly want to remove these then there needs to be merges to the TP SDK, last I tried the changes were not acceptable, hence my fork. Essentially a breaking change was made rendering a public property internal. Since then I have added a more fully defined reflection implementation around custom attributes

I asked and the custom attribute reflection changes seem likely to be accepted, it still leaves the issue of an internal type being needed. I'll look at that after Ive done the custom attribute PR, it low priority for mw right now though.

Ive tried to consolidate as much as possible with the upstream repo here:

Theres a discrepancy between the way we use providedtypes and the runtimes use of of RunTimeType, as such theres no way to PR our changes that allow ProvidedRecords to function as the RunTimeType of the attribute necessary by the reflection runtime to create the CustomAttribute.

We currently will hit this code:

Due to all types used by the standard provided type code are being wrapped with ILMethodDef and ILTypeDef etc. This was done to allow cross assembly references to be easier to use. The problem we have is we don't use the standard type provider mechanism, we merely use it as a skeleton so our code never has the internal types inside the ProvidedTypeDefinition wrapped with a non RunTimeType which means we can use Invoke as normal as we have simple RunTimeTypes.

This is being discussed here: fsprojects/FSharp.TypeProviders.SDK#291

eventually I hope...