JesseVarGar / CMPS-3240-Control-Flow-ARM

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CMPS 3240 Lab: Control of flow with ARM


During this lab you will:

  • Use gcc to assemble and link ARM code
  • Use stdio printf() from ARM
  • Become introduced to control of flow with ARM


This lab assumes you have read or are familiar with the following topics:

  • Control of flow (textbook's discussion of control of slow with MIPS is sufficient)
  • Use of C-style printf()
  • Iterative factorial
  • Iterative Fibonacci

Please study these topics if you are not familiar with them so that the lab can be completed in a timely manner.


The following is a list of requirements to complete the lab. Some labs can completed on any machine, whereas some require you to use a specific departmental teaching server. You will find this information here.


We will use the following programs:

  • gcc
  • git
  • gdb


This lab requires the departmental ARM server. It will not work on,, other PCs, etc. that have x86 processors. It may work on a Raspberry Pi or similar system on chip with ARM, but it must be ARMv8-a.

Linux Mac Windows
Limited No No


This lab will cover the topic of control of flow. Under normal circumstances, the processor will continue to execute your user program line-by-line until it hits the svc operation to exit the process. In a previous lab, we used a software interrupt to hand over control to the supervisor process with svc. When it was done, it would resume executing your code on the following line. Considering our user process, there are generally two ways to alter the control of flow--that is, executing some line other than the following one. In C-style code it would look like this:

if (expr)
	// Block if expr is True
	// Block if expr is False

If you've read the textbook and are somewhat familiar with MIPS branching, a branch operation is carried out like so:

beq $a0, $t0, target
# Block if expr is False
# Block if expr is True

However, branching in ARM is somewhat like x86. When you want to execute a block of code conditionally, you need to set up the math for the expression with a separate instruction, often cmp:

cmp x0, x1
beq target
# Block if expr is False
# Block if expr is True

cmp executes a subtraction: x0 - x1. Like arithmetic, the second operand can be an immidiate value. There is also cmn which adds the two arguments. A separate register, called the flag register cspr (Current Status Processor Register), sets certain bits in the register based on the result of the operation performed in cmp. It records the following results:

  • The N flag is set by an instruction if the result is negative. This assumes two's compliment and checks the most significant bit.
  • The Z flag is set if the result of the is zero.
  • The C flag is set if the result of an unsigned operation overflows the register.
  • The V flag is set if the result of a signed operation overflows the register.

For convienience, you do not need to implement operations to check specific bits in the cspr register. There are a separate set of operations that strongly resemble the MIPS operations:

Instruction Explanation
b target Unconditional branch
beq target Branch when Z = 1
bne target Branch when Z = 0
bmi target Branch when N = 1
bpl target Branch when N = 0
blt target Branch when N != V
ble target Branch when Z = 1 or N != V
bgt target Branch when Z = 0 and N = V
bge target Branch when Z = 1 or N !=V
bl target Branch unconditionally and store return address
bx R Return from function call, to the address specified in register R

This is a brief explanation of branching that should be sufficient for the lab. It does not explain some advanced concepts:

  • You don't actually need cmp, if you tack on a s at the end of an arithmetic instruction it will trigger the flag register.
  • There are some cmp aliases that will also cause a branch
  • Single instructions can be conditional

But, these advanced concepts are not needed for this lab. If you want to read more, read this reference.1

Example Code

The code in this repository gives two examples:

  1. count.s which counts up to 100 using a pre-test loop.
  2. fact.s which displays the factorial of 7 (7!).

There are some major differences between this lab and the previous lab that should be noted:

  • We are using gcc to assemble and link the binary.
  • This lets us use printf() from stdio by inserting the instruction .extern printf in the code.
  • gcc starts at main, not _start.

Study these examples before proceeding.


Start by cloning this repository:

$ git clone
$ cd CMPS-3240-Control-Flow-ARM

The make file includes targets for the examples, just call make from the command line.

Your task is to implement code that prints the first 10 Fibonacci numbers. It should do this iteratively. The code for this in C-language is as follows:

int a = 0;
int b = 1;

for(i = 2 ; i <= n ; i++ )
    temp = a + b;
    a = b;
    b = temp;

printf( "%d\n", b )

You should code this as original ARM code. Do not use gcc to assemble the code for you.

Check off

Demonstrate that your code works to the instructor, and let them inspect your ARM code.




License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:Assembly 89.1%Language:Makefile 10.9%