jesseduffield / lazygit

simple terminal UI for git commands

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Excluding a file in a worktree does not work

bradphelan opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

The folder is a worktree d:\checkouts\foo\worktrees\wt2 and the main repo is :\checkouts\foo

I move the cursor to a file I wish to exclude. I press i then I press e. An error appears


there is no d:\checkouts\moduleworks\worktrees\wt2\.git folder but there is a d:\checkouts\moduleworks\.git\worktrees\wt2 where an exclude file for worktrees should live. I think the exclude command is just not worktree aware

It was fixed by #3432, if you need it before the next release please try building from source.

Did you really get it to work with exclude? I'm actually surprised because in the last 5 min I've just tried doing it by manually editing d:\checkouts\foo\worktrees\wt2\.git\worktrees\wt2\info\exclude and it doesn't work. If I append the same line to the global d:\checkouts\foo\worktrees\wt2\.git\info\exclude then it does work.

If I append the same line to the global d:\checkouts\foo\worktrees\wt2.git\info\exclude then it does work.

Judging by the code diff that's what exactly what we're doing, which I see now might not be entirely aligned with "worktree exclude".

There's this SO answer that mentions there isn't a info/exclude in the ./git/worktrees, and judging by your experiment, it could be that it's not supported by git itself.