jesseduffield / lazygit

simple terminal UI for git commands

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Delta as pager is much slower after 0.41.0

ptim opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

Amazing release, thanks!

I have delta configured as my pager, and it's now very slow - it takes nearly a second for the diff pane to update with each new diff.

Workaround: Reverting to the built in pager restores performance

To Reproduce

  • configure delta as below
  • navigate between changed files in the File tab
# ~/Library/Application\ Support/lazygit/config.yml

    pager: delta --paging=never
    colorArg: always
# ~/.gitconfig

  navigate = true
  line-numbers = true
  features = zebra-dark

Expected behavior

Snappy diffs in delta, like before :)

Version info:

commit=, build date=, build source=homebrew, version=0.41.0, os=darwin, arch=arm64, git version=2.39.3 (Apple Git-145)

git version 2.39.3 (Apple Git-145)

Additional context

I ran lazygit --debug in one terminal panel and lazygit --logs in another,
but didn't see any logs when changing the focussed file in the Files pane.

It was fixed in #3420 so you can either build from master or add --dark or --light to your pager field in the config (the autodetection added in the 0.17.0 wasn't working properly, more info here).

Love an easy fix, many thanks - adding --dark works a treat!

Ah, I see it was reported earlier here: #3405