jessebeach / angular-ivh-treeview

A treeview for AngularJS with filtering and checkbox support.

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Angular IVH Treeview

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A treeview for AngularJS with filtering and checkbox support.

Example usage

In your controller...

app.controller('MyCtrl', function() {
  this.bag = [{
      label: 'Glasses',
      value: 'glasses',
      children: [{
        label: 'Top Hat',
        value: 'top_hat'
        label: 'Curly Mustache',
        value: 'mustachio'

In your view...

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl as fancy">
  <input type="text" ng-model="bagSearch" />



IVH Treeview is pretty configurable. By default it expects your elements to have label and children properties for node display text and child nodes respectively. It'll also make use of a selected attribute to manage selected states. If you would like to pick out nodes by ID rather than reference it'll also use an id attribute. Those attributes can all be changed, for example:

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl as fancy">
  <div ivh-treeview="fancy.bag"

IVH Treeview attaches checkboxes to each item in your tree for a hierarchical selection model. If you'd rather not have these checkboxes use ivh-treeview-use-checkboxes="false":

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl as fancy">
  <div ivh-treeview="fancy.bag"

There's also a provider if you'd like to change the global defaults:

app.config(function(ivhTreeviewOptionsProvider) {
    idAttribute: 'id',
    labelAttribute: 'label',
    childrenAttribute: 'children',
    selectedAttribute: 'selected',
    useCheckboses: true,
    expandToDepth: 0,
    indeterminateAttribute: '__ivhTreeviewIndeterminate',
    defaultSelectedState: true,
    validate: true,
    twistieExpandedTpl: '(-)',
    twistieCollapsedTpl: '(+)',
    twistieLeafTpl: 'o'


We support filtering through the ivh-treeview-filter attribute, this value is supplied to Angular's filterFilter and applied to each node individually.

Expanded by default

If you want the tree to start out expanded to a certain depth use the ivh-treeview-expand-to-depth attribute:

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl as fancy">

You can also sue the ivhTreeviewOptionsProvider to set a global default.

If you want the tree entirely expanded use a depth of -1.

Default selected state

When using checkboxes you can have a default selected state of true or false. This is only relevant if you validate your tree data using ivhTreeviewMgr.validate which will assume this state by default. Use the ivh-treeview-default-selected-state attribute or defaultSelectedState.

Validate on Startup

ivh.treeview tries not to assume control of your model any more than necessary. It does provide the ability (opt-in) to validate your tree data on startup. Use ivh-treeview-validate="true" at the attribute level or set the validate property in ivhTreeviewOptionsProvider to get this behavior.


The basic twisties that ship with this ivh.treeview are little more than ASCII art. You're encouraged to use your own twistie templates. For example, if you've got bootstrap on your page you might do something like this:

  twistieCollapsedTpl: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span>',
  twistieExpandedTpl: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down"></span>',
  twistieLeafTpl: '&#9679;'

Treeview Manager Service

ivh.treeview supplies a service, ivhTreeviewMgr, for interacting with your tree data directly., node[, opts][, isSelected])

Select (or deselect) an item in tree, node can be either a reference to the actual tree node or its ID.

We'll use settings registered with ivhTreeviewOptions by default, but you can override any of them with the optional opts parameter.

isSelected is also optional and defaults to true (i.e. the node will be selected).

When an item is selected each of its children are also selected and the indeterminate state of each of the node's parents is validated.

ivhTreeviewMgr.selectAll(tree[, opts][, isSelected])

Like except every node in tree is either selected or deselected.

ivhTreeviewMgr.selectEach(tree, nodes[, opts][, isSelected])

Like except an array of nodes (or node IDs) is used. Each node in tree corresponding to one of the passed nodes will be selected or deselected.

ivhTreeviewMgr.deselect(tree, node[, opts])

A convenience method, delegates to with isSelected set to false.

ivhTreeviewMgr.deselectAll(tree[, opts])

A convenience method, delegates to ivhTreeviewMgr.selectAll with isSelected set to false.

ivhTreeviewMgr.deselectEach(tree, nodes[, opts])

A convenience method, delegates to ivhTreeviewMgr.selectEach with isSelected set to false.

ivhTreeviewMgr.validate(tree[, opts][, bias])

Validate a tree data store, bias is a convenient redundancy for opts.defaultSelectedState.

When validating tree data we look for the first node in each branch which has a selected state defined that differs from opts.defaultSelectedState (or bias). Each of that node's children are updated to match the differing node and parent indeterminate states are updated.

Dynamic Changes

Adding and removing tree nodes on the fly is supported. Just keep in mind that added nodes do not automatically inherit selected states (i.e. checkbox states) from their parent nodes. Similarly, adding new child nodes does not cause parent nodes to automatically validate their own selected states. You will typically want to use ivhTreeviewMgr.validate or after adding new nodes to your tree:

// References to the tree, parent node, and children...
var tree = getTree()
  , parent = getParent()
  , newNodes = [{label: 'Hello'},{label: 'World'}];

// Attach new children to parent node
parent.children = newNodes;

// Force revalidate on tree given parent node's selected status, parent, parent.selected);

Tree Traversal

The internal tree traversal service is exposed as ivhTreeviewBfs (bfs --> breadth first search).

ivhTreeviewBfs(tree[, opts][, cb])

We preform a breadth first traversal of tree applying the function cb to each node as it is reached. cb is passed two parameters, the node itself and an array of parents nodes ordered nearest to farthest. If the cb returns false traversal of that branch is stopped.

Release history

  • 2014-09-21 v0.6.0 Tree accepts nodes added on the fly
  • 2014-09-09 v0.3.0 Complete refactor. Directive no longer propagates changes automatically on programmatic changes, use ivhTreeviewMgr.
  • 2014-08-25 v0.2.0 Allow for initial expansion
  • 2014-06-20 v0.1.0 Initial release


MIT license, copyright iVantage Health Analytics, Inc.


A treeview for AngularJS with filtering and checkbox support.

License:MIT License