jerryscript-project / iotjs

Platform for Internet of Things with JavaScript

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HTTPS handshake failure on IoT device

Raikan10 opened this issue · comments

I am running buildroot and iotjs on an iot device and I'm trying to make a post request to login and get an auth token. But I'm unable to call the API at all because I run into an error that says

"API Failed, problem with request: handshake failed: domian"

The same API works given I use the http version. The server I'm trying to call is hosted on an AWS EC2 instance behind cloudflare.

Any help is appreciated thanks!

Which API you are using? TLS throws handshake failed but this is probably something different. Maybe something is wrong with the certificate.

Thank you very much for replying, it is an API that the we designed that's used for internal purposes. It's an express server.