jerryscript-project / iotjs

Platform for Internet of Things with JavaScript

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Process for Reporting Security Vulnerabilities

4cad opened this issue · comments


What is the best way to report security bugs to your project? It is a generally good practice to avoid public issue trackers if possible when reporting vulnerabilities, but I cannot find any alternatives in your project documentation.



Any thoughts on this? I would prefer not to sit on vulnerabilities for too long after their discovery.

@4cad Hi Dane, the project has no official private channels at the moment. You can track down my email address from my profile page and I might try and give a feedback whether to publicly report the vulnerability or not, but that's far from official. (Or you might try that with any of the other maintainers.)


@akosthekiss Sounds good - I will give you a ping tonight with the details.

Issue discussed with @4cad via email. Closing this issue for now.