jerryscript-project / iotjs

Platform for Internet of Things with JavaScript

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How to improve the way to write external modules

daeyeon opened this issue · comments

We're guiding how to scaffold a native module with the handy tool,, but it has missing parts regarding how to easily make binding APIs between javascript and native.

So far, our current strategy is for users to directly learn the followings:

  • iot.js APIs
    • apis like iotjs_jhelper_call and macros like JS_GET_ARG.
    • the structure patterns like iotjs_bufferwrap_t .
    • coding patterns such as iotjs_bufferwrap_create and so on for stateful module.
  • jerryscript APIs
  • libuv APIs for asynchronous call

Along with the well-defined C APIs discussed in #1476, I think we need to think about how to reduce such the user's learning curve regarding writing external modules.

  • #1756 can be one of the candidates.
  • Generating a module using Interface Definition Language (IDL) can be an alternative. It's like what browser projects are doing with WebIDL. (It's once suggested during the last jerryscript summit.)
  • Using N-API is also worth considering.

What else could be a candidate? Do you have anything in mind to consider for this matter? Please share your opinion.

In my opinion the first and most important part should be the well-defined C API. We should continue the discussion we started in #1476. I think we should create a iotjs-api.h and module developers must use that header and functions/types which are defined defined in it.

About the module generation. Both solutions sounds good. #1756 is in a good shape is it is definitely worth to merge into the master when it is done. I am too familiar with the N-API and sure how the development is going on. As far as I know Gabriel at Intel is working on it. Module generating from IDL was mentioned by Timothy (from TI). I do not know much about it since then.

If we have to implement one of them from scratch then I vote for the IDL. I think implementing N-API is a much difficult task.

@daeyeon @LaszloLango In my opinion, N-API should be the only answer to write native module for JavaScript engines(v8, jerryscript, duktype). Using N-API means that any developer could use one addon(.node) which could be ran in any engine that supported N-API, and developers could use node-gyp to build addons for any engine, either.

You could take a look at this implementation, ShadowNode(a fork of IoT.js) has completed the 80% N-API, that covers the 80% test suites that pulls from Node.js directly.

Closing since N-API implementations is finished.