jerryscript-project / iotjs

Platform for Internet of Things with JavaScript

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Modify IoT.js build on TizenRT

sunghan-chang opened this issue · comments

Hello all.

I modified IoT.js build file on TizenRT.
Originally it was in Makefile.unix and Makefile of external, not in IoT.js folder.
But module-specific content should be in each folder.
Except iotivity and iotjs, there is no module-specific content in Makefile.unix.

Because Kconfig is in config/tizenrt folder, I add Makefile in config/tizenrt.
Could you add that here as well? It makes easy to maintain.


Hello, Thank you for the information. I have talked to the team members. Of course we agree with your suggestion. We will add the makefile in config/tizenrt when we release the latest IoT.js to TizenRT. Please wait until that time.

Relate-to: #1732