jerryscript-project / iotjs

Platform for Internet of Things with JavaScript

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

wish: version release

rzr opened this issue · comments


Dear iotjs team,

Is there a new release planned soon ?
If not, may I suggested this.

The reason is that current master branch has really improved support for Tizen:Rt (which currently ship a snapshot before 1.0) since some downstream changes have been upstreamed.. so I guess it is valuable to upgrade snapshot in TizenRt.


Samsung/TizenRT#2018 (comment)

Again this is just a suggestion, I don't want to change any plans.

Samsung/TizenRT#2018 (comment)

We do encourage suggestions for IoT.js but do not guarantee IoT.js which each individual applies to external projects. And, its acceptance is beyond our jurisdiction.

#1732 can answer your query about the plan. A selected version of the platform is applied to our CI before a release. That's for post-maintenance and would be the same for next release.