jerryscript-project / iotjs

Platform for Internet of Things with JavaScript

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jerryscript features

daeyeon opened this issue · comments

In product, we may face cases where we can't depend on transpiling ES6. It seems necessary to builtin-support some features with consideration not to harm the main purpose of jerryscript.

The followings are such a feature we feel to need while meeting a certain specification these days.

  • Map, Weakmap
  • default parameters
  • enhanced object literals
  • class (on going in Jerryscript already)

Plus, we should start considering thread-safe jerryscript.

Why don't you write these items at either?

I've issued jerryscript-project/jerryscript#2433 for thread-safe jerryscript.

@daeyeon all of these features are implemented. Can we close this issue?

@LaszloLango Yes, and thank you for letting me know that.