jerryscript-project / iotjs

Platform for Internet of Things with JavaScript

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How to run smoking test on target-board?

wuhanck opened this issue · comments


I noticed that check_test.js had been removed.
So, how to run smoking test on target-board which is lack of python env?

The js-remote-test project helps to run the official IoT.js test-suite on the main target devices. It does not need to have Python interpreter on the board because the test-runner is based on communication (between a device and a host-PC). Please read the file for more information.

Need to mention that js-remote-test is an automation tool for testing, so it builds iotjs and flashes the binary (with the test-suite) to the selected device. The test-runner is able to measure the binary size of iotjs and the run-time memory consumption (of the tests).

The js-remote-test project is used every day to test IoT.js on the supported devices. The results are published on the iotjs-test-result webpage.

I hope that I could help you :)


Thanks. It looks like a new piece of porting task for me. :(.
Anyway, thank you.