jerryscript-project / iotjs

Platform for Internet of Things with JavaScript

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What's the status of BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy) Support?

ziransun opened this issue · comments


Is it okay to let me know the status of BLE? What OSs and boards does it support? And any instruction on setting up?



@ziransun Currently BLE is tested on rpi only. But I believe it will work on linux based system with a little effort. For tizenrt/artik053 and nuttx/stm32f4, we don't support BLE yet since we don't have BLE native support for that platforms.

@glistening Thanks very much for your reply. Just to confirm - Did you mean BLE tested on rpi for both Central and peripheral modules? And is it okay to point any instructions on building BLE support for rpi?

@ziransun We support BLE peripheral only, and we ported bleno into iotjs.


  1. make a new profile for BLE enabled.
$ cp profiles/default.profile profiles/ble.profile
$ echo "ENABLE_MODULE_BLE" >> profiles/ble.profile
  1. build iotjs
./tools/ --target-arch=arm --target-board=rpi2 --profile=profiles/ble.profile