jerryli27 / AniSeg

A faster-rcnn model for anime character segmentation.

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deepomf's figure segmentation dataset

gwern opened this issue · comments

If you're interested in doing further training, deeppomf has an image dataset scraped from (includes NSFW images) where PSDs are used to generate pixel-perfect segmentations of figures:

Artists provide PSDs in layers, where 1 layer is the figure and the rest the background; so pixel-perfect-by-construction segmentation masks can be automatically created for training.

@gwern Awesome!
Do you have pretrained model on this dataset or scripts to disassemble this PSD files?

No, I've never used it. Just deepomf mentioned it as a way to improve on the existing segmentation without extremely laborious hand-annotation or using weak supervision from a classifier/tagger like DeepDanbooru, so I thought I'd mention that this dataset (and approach in general) exists.