jeromelebel / MongoHub-Mac

Mac Native Mongodb Client

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Editing objects feature request

rickschmoo opened this issue · comments

I'm finding the "editing objects" functionality cumbersome in your (otherwise excellent!) tool.

Here's a couple of enhancements I think would be great:

  1. It would be great if the collections view would update when you make a save in the editor window. Currently I have to manually refresh the collections view. This closes up all the open objects so I have to click in again to confirm the edit happened.
  2. Another alternative would be a feedback message confirming that the object has been updated.

I can't reload the query when I want. Some people make very complicated queries, and don't want to run more than once. I even have a request, to not compute the total count of a request.

I guess I could update the result I have in memory, but that might lead misleading data... I would display what I think the server should have. And not what the server really has.

I definitely need to give more feedback when saving! I thought there was...

Thanks for the reply. There's always a catch to these things.

I think a simple feedback message saying that the change was saved but that you need to manually refresh the main view would be great.

Should be fixed in 3.1. I let you verify this issue and close it.

I just updated to 3.1.1 on mac and double click on object does nothing (expected to have object editor). Anyone else have this issue? Previous version worked jut fine.

ps: also, would be great, when object is selected in list and I press cmd+c - it will copy entire document into buffer.


Do you have any message in the console when double clicking on a document?

Just checked - nothing. That's all I see in console:
2015-03-29 00:27:07.856 MongoHub[36515:507] Invalid color System, labelColor (warning given only once)
Mac OS 10.9.5.

UPD: Just asked for update to 3.1.2. I did update, still doesn't work. I'm trying to edit document in Find tab.

Ah, I don't have 10.9... I will have to find a mac that support that version to understand the issue...

Anything I can do to help with this? I have Xcode 6.1.1 and I can start mongohub from it. Just point me where to look and what to do.