jeroennoten / Laravel-Prerender

Laravel middleware for prerendering javascript-rendered pages on the fly for SEO

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Laravel 6 support

oixan opened this issue · comments


Any chance that this package can be updated for Laravel 6?

Not sure if this package is still being maintained? @jeroennoten could you shed some light on this?
Thanks very much!

Hi, unfortunately I don’t have the time to maintain this package.


Sad news, I hope someone can work on this package in the future!

Just 1 thing. Changing on composer.json file "illuminate/support": "~5.0.14|~5.1", to
"illuminate/support": "~5.0.14|~5.1|^6.0" will make the package work with laravel 6?

I took a copy of the middleware and put in our codebase directly. You can change compoer dependency, and there is one array_ or str_ function ( don’t recall by heart) that needs updating...

PrerenderMiddleware.php has 2 str_ functions. Line 154 change str_contains to Str::contains and line 248 change str_is to Str::is.

I researched the forks a bit, I think these two are complete:

I chose the latter, but forked it so I can tag it with a release.