jermwatt / machine_learning_refined

Notes, examples, and Python demos for the 2nd edition of the textbook "Machine Learning Refined" (published by Cambridge University Press).

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Text errors/typos in chapter 6, 2nd edition

Rajon010 opened this issue · comments

Some suspected errors/typos to report:

p.131. In example 6.3, "Here a of run normalized gradient descent ..." should be "Here a run of normalized gradient descent ...".
p.136. Equation 6.18 is not consistent with how tanh is usually defined. The consistent one should be "tanh(x) = 2 sigma(2x) - 1".
p.145. The inequality "exp(-yxCw) = exp(-C)exp(-yxw) < exp(-yxw)" is incorrect. It should be "exp(-yxCw) = (exp(-yxw))^C < exp(-yxw)"
p.158. The encoding in equation 6.62 does not make equation 6.66 and equation 6.67 equivalent to each other. Instead, the encoding should be done reversely: encode the label 1 into the vector [1 0]. (If consistency with section 7.5.4 is intended, then some other contents, instead of the encoding, need modification.)
p.168. "Section 6.24" is mentioned, but there is no such section.

I'm not confident that these are all errors/typos indeed. Hope they help.
Besides, this is a great machine learning book for beginners. I do understand what's going on in the text. Deep appreciation for the effort.

@Rajon010 Glad to hear that you liked the book and thanks for pointing out the issues above.
We've updated our errata sheet accordingly.