jeremykenedy / laravel-users

A Users Management Package that includes all necessary routes, views, models, and controllers for a user management dashboard and associated pages for managing Laravels built in user scaffolding. Built for Laravel 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0.

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I don't know how to install

measproem opened this issue · comments


I followed : composer require jeremykenedy/laravel-users via CMD on window then got download "vendor" folder I don't know how to do next.

Did you read the readme?

I read but seem not clear understand.

What don’t you understand?

What don’t you understand?

I created vhost name: http://laravel-usermng.local by point to parth project/public I got like screen #2
Then I access http://laravel-usermng.local/users I got 404 page not found like screen #3

What environment are you using, have you tested other routes such at Auth routes?

What environment are you using, have you tested other routes such at Auth routes?

I am using Window and XAMPP.
I check project/routes/web.php
I got like screen below

It could me the environment you are on not serving past the root page. I can not replicate the issue using homestead.

Can you access the out box authentication routes? After running ‘php artisan make:auth’ ?

If not, then it’s your environment.

Can you access the out box authentication routes? After running ‘php artisan make:auth’ ?

If not, then it’s your environment.

I did make:auth not work too, my idea not because environment
I afraid I am wrong during installation process let me tell you the step:

  1. CMD to my project parth: E:/xampp/htdocs/laravel-usermng.local (where i point vhost : http://laravel-usermng.local)
  2. I install Laravel installer by run command : composer global require laravel/installer
  3. I install your project 'laravel-users' by run command: composer require jeremykenedy/laravel-users
  4. I make new project on root by run command: laravel new
  5. I run command : php migrate for create table and make auth ..