jekyll / jekyll-paginate

NO LONGER UNDER ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT as of Jekyll 3: Pagination Generator for Jekyll

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jekyll 3.8.5 | Error: File exists @ dir_s_mkdir jekyll/_site/tag/inspire

imenehakem opened this issue · comments

I am using jekyll 3.8.5 and jekyll-paginate (1.1.0)
when I run my docker-compose I get this error:
jekyll 3.8.5 | Error: File exists @ dir_s_mkdir jekyll/_site/tag/inspire My _config.yml

  - jekyll-paginate

# Defaults
      path: "" # an empty string here means all files in the project
      type: "posts" # previously `post` in Jekyll 2.2.
      layout: "post"
paginate: 5
paginate_path: "/news/page:num/"

Anyone have an idea about how to fix that, I am new with jekyll.
Thank you.

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