jekyll / jekyll-paginate

NO LONGER UNDER ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT as of Jekyll 3: Pagination Generator for Jekyll

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Now available: New Pagination Plugin (Fully backwards compatible)

sverrirs opened this issue · comments

Posting here since none of the open issues are getting any real replies and people seem to still be frustrated about the decommissioning of this gem.

I've recently re-written the pagination plugin which I hope is a viable alternative to the old one. It is fully backwards compatible and supports a slew of new frequently requested features.

Check it out, I'd really welcome more testers :)

Hopefully @parkr or @benbalter can chime in on this.

I read in the other thread #27 that you did this as a product of working for a client. I don't know what hoops your project may have to go through, but I'd imagine these two would be able to provide insight into how possible it may be.

Since this project doesn't have any active contributers/owners, you and anyone else interested may want to consider taking up the reins.

Hi @parkr, @benbalter, @Stargator and anyone else listening,

I am confident that the new pagination code is ready for a real prime-time test. As of now the gem version is at 1.4.0.

The code is documented and contains working example sites for users. The gem is designed to act as a zero-config replacement for the old one and requires no additional changes to achieve this. All sites should just work (apart from changing jekyll-paginate to jekyll-paginate-v2).

Completing the unit-tests coverage is now the primary focus and it is progressing well.

I haven't really had any real bug-feedback in the issues section and that worries me a little bit (there are at least a few people using this gem I think).

A controlled real-world test of this logic would be fantastic at this point and I would welcome any-and-all help you or anyone else can give me to run this gem on a good set of existing jekyll websites of various complexities that are representative of what can be found in the wild.

Also general comments and thoughts on the code, structure and design would be most welcome .

Edit: I have just unknowingly committed a grievous sin and assumed that everything in Jekyll is either a page or a post, completely ignoring Collections!. The example sites suffer from this as well. I will tackle collections next and update my examples to get rid of this post abuse. Dear oh dear...

Edit 2: Collection pagination has been implemented now and is available in v1.5.0 of the gem. Documentation on the feature can be found in the readme

It's been almost 2 years now since the last update here.

Would be cool to see the new version deployed in GitHub Pages.

I'm replying over here: sverrirs/jekyll-paginate-v2#9