jejacks0n / navigasmic

Navigasmic: Semantic navigation for Rails using simple view level or configuration definitions.

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link_options doesn't work

turbod opened this issue · comments


I can't set the link_options.
I would like to set a logout link:

n.item 'Sign out', 'destroy_user_session_path', method: 'delete', hidden_unless: proc{ user_signed_in? } 

but the link_optins in the builder.link_generator are empty.

Your second argument, destroy_user_session_path, is a method that returns the actual path of that item. What happens if you remove the quotes around it?

n.item 'Sign out', destroy_user_session_path, method: :delete, hidden_unless: proc{ user_signed_in? } 

I get this error message:

undefined local variable or method `destroy_user_session_path' for main:Object

If I use a proc like this:

n.item 'Sign out', proc { destroy_user_session_path }, method: :delete, hidden_unless: proc{ user_signed_in? }

I didn't get error message, but the link_options still empty.

You're correct. It should be added. In the meantime, I always change devise sign out to get instead of delete.

Yes, but I think it's not a good solution.

then don't do it. =)

You can provide link_html as an options hash btw.