jejacks0n / navigasmic

Navigasmic: Semantic navigation for Rails using simple view level or configuration definitions.

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Controller parameter in item brokes nested resources

radeno opened this issue · comments


for first, Navigasmatic is really great! :)

For second, when i use controller parameter in navigation item brokes router for nested resources.

One example for thousands words:

= semantic_navigation :user, config: :bootstrap, class: 'pull-right' do |n|
  - n.item 'title', controller: 'categories'
  - n.item 'user profile', edit_user_registration_path

It generates link path correctly but when is clicked on user profile it gives:

No route matches {:controller=>"devise/categories"}

Right route is devise/registrations

When is used categories_path it works.

So typically with an item that links you need to provide a controller and an action -- to route properly it needs to know the action.

You could try:

- n.item 'title', controller: '/categories' # will remove the devise part by placing it at root
- n.item 'title', controller: '/categories', action: 'index' # will always put them at index
- n.item 'title', controller: '/categories', action: 'index', highlights_on: {controller: 'categories'} # this should always highlight on the categories controller (shouldn't matter where it is)

Same error on every solution.

Initial slash doesn't help. :/

You have this in the initializer and you've restarted your server?

I don't have it in intializer. It is directly in the view.

Maybe I'm confused about what you want to accomplish.. Navigasmic just calls url_for behind the scenes if you pass it a hash for the link (eg. controller/action/etc).

It even handles namespacing routes within an engine by allowing you to do things like:

- n.item 'title', engine_name.url_for(controller: 'foo')

Play around with url_for, since that's all it's using in your example.. I just don't know if you want it to be nested within devise, or if you don't want it to be nested.. I would assume not, and the solution I specified should fix it as it does for me.

It is weird. I try this:
url_for(controller: '/categories') and it works

but controller: '/categories' doesn't

Ok, get it, it must by double slashed

controller: '//categories', highlights_on: {controller: 'categories'} but highlights_on doesnt work instead
it returns highlighting rules should be an array containing any of/or a Boolean, String, Regexp, Hash or Proc

Weird.. I don't understand why it needs to be double slashed unless you've done something odd with routing.. is the route for the categories controller nested within a namespace for devise? As for the highlighting, it works perfectly in my examples:

Can you provide clarification? otherwise I have to assume that's not the case -- since it works in the example.

No no,

it is simple routing:

resources :categories
devise_for :users

namespace :taxonomy do
  resources :taxonomies

View navigations:

= semantic_navigation :user, config: :bootstrap, class: 'pull-right' do |n|
  - n.item Category.model_name.human(count: 2), controller: '/categories'
  - n.item 'Profile', edit_user_registration_path


No route matches {:controller=>"devise/categories"}
No route matches {:controller=>"taxonomy/categories"}

Any resolution on this?