jehna / ga-lite

Small, cacheable and open version of Google Analytics JS client

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Hot to set session timeout?

01Kuzma opened this issue · comments

Hi there!
Thank you for you module!
I'd like to know hot to set the session timeout with ES6?
Now I make it in such way:

        (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {
            i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r;
            i[r] = i[r] || function () {
                (i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)
            }, i[r].l = 1 * new Date();
            a = s.createElement(o)
                , m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];
            a.async = 1;
            a.src = g;
            m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)
        })(window, document, 'script', '', 'ga');
        ga('create', 'UA-xxx-1', 'auto');
        ga('send', 'pageview');		
			setTimeout(function() {
			ga("send", "event", "New Visitor", location.pathname)
        }, 15000);     		

Hey, can you describe in more detail what you're trying to achieve?

Session timeout (= after what time of inactivity the user's session is ended and next events count as a new session) is commonly set in the Google Analytics' admin panel

Here's a screenshot of the admin panel from my personal blog's analytics, where I have set the session timeout to 30 minutes:

screen shot 2018-01-19 at 14 51 58

Sorry, I've described it without proper details:
I mean the minimum time which user should remain on website in order to count it as session.
In my GA settings it's 15seconds:

        ga('send', 'pageview');		
			setTimeout(function() {
			ga("send", "event", "New Visitor", location.pathname)
        }, **15000**); 

Ah, I see!

You can use ga-lite exactly the same way in this case as you would in the official Google Analytics: Just replace the ga with galite:

galite('create', 'UA-xxx-1', 'auto');
galite('send', 'pageview');		
setTimeout(function() {
  galite("send", "event", "New Visitor", location.pathname)
}, 15000);   

Understood, thank you!
Just one problem left.
I'm using react and I've placed this code in index.js:

import galite from 'ga-lite';
class App extends React.Component {
  componentWillMount() {   
    galite('create', 'UA-xxx-1', 'auto');
    galite('send', 'pageview');		
    setTimeout(function() {
      galite("send", "event", "New Visitor", location.pathname)

And google tag assistant throws me this error:
No HTTP response detected

Have I done something wrong?

Google Tag Assistant probably does not detect ga-lite, since ga-lite is not officially supported by Google (although the API endpoint ga-lite uses is).

You should see requests to happening in your browser's developer tools' "Network" tab for each event/pageview that you send:

screen shot 2018-01-19 at 15 52 17

My Js files are heavily compressed, that's what I see locally:
Is it ok?

While on live version I don't see something related to GA

P.S. also at I see that there is a session in real time

If you see your session at Google analytics realtime, you can be 100% sure your code works and the events are firing fine. Good job! 👌

P.S. press "all" in your network tab and you'll see the Google analytics calls there too. Now it shows only the js files.

Thank you very much!