jeffstieler / rest-console-embed

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

REST Console Embed

WordPress shortcode plugin providing an embeddable console for exploring REST APIs in your content.

Based on Automattic's Console.

Using the shortcode

[rest-console api_root="http://path/to/api" auth="none" width="100%" height="500px"]

  • api_root
    • Root URL of the target API.
  • auth
    • "none", "oauth", or "proxy". Using values other than "none" is an exercise left to the reader. ;)
  • width
    • Width of the containing div, defaults to 100%.
  • height
    • Height of the containing div, defaults to 500px.

API Compatibility

For the console to work properly, the target API will need to:



Language:PHP 61.5%Language:JavaScript 38.5%