jeffreylanters / react-unity-webgl

React Unity WebGL provides a modern solution for embedding Unity WebGL builds in your React Application while providing advanced APIs for two way communication and interaction between Unity and React.

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Embedding in electron and resizing causes webgl instance to become unrepsonsive

JakeSchroeder opened this issue · comments

Please avoid duplicates

Language and Compiler

Babel and WebPack TypeScript

What environment are you using?

Local Development Server

When does your problem occur?

When the Unity App is running

What does your problem relate to?

The problem seems Unity related

React-Unity-WebGL Version


React Version


Unity Version


What happened?

Firstly thank you for this amazing and powerful project.

I am trying to embed the unity build in my electron renderer.

It works as expected however, I am running into some resizing/resolution issues that are causing some unexpected behavior.

export default function Gizmo() {
  const unityContext = new UnityContext({
    loaderUrl: '/public/Build/Build.loader.js',
    dataUrl: '/public/Build/',
    frameworkUrl: '/public/Build/Build.framework.js',
    codeUrl: '/public/Build/Build.wasm',

  return (
    <Box id="GizmoViewer" h="100%" w="100%" bg="#121212">
      <Unity unityContext={unityContext} style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }} />

After fullscreening the app and then unfullscreening, the webgl instance becomes unresponsive and I get this message:
Performance Warning: Recreating Offscreen FBO (2358x2340 => 2358x2370)

How can I avoid the app quitting when changing the resolution?

Reproducible test case

No response

Would you be interested in contributing a fix?

  • yes, I would like to contribute a fix


I added overflow hidden to the html and body of the renderer, I made everything else in the renderer position absolute so it overlays the webgl canvas and now the webgl canvas is being set to the body width and height which is correct.

This fixed my issue and now is no longet showing the performance issues in the console

Second Update:

I am still getting this conosle warning when resizing my browser:
Performance Warning: Recreating Offscreen FBO (1920x1200 => 2400x1880)
I found this but the fix mentioned didnt work.

Why is the performance warning showing up and what does it mean?

Hi Jake!

I've never encountered this problem before. But it seems to be unrelated to this module, so I can't help you any further. I recommend keeping an eye on the Unity forums and perhaps opening a ticket in the Unity bug reporter.

For the time being, I'll convert this issue into a discussion so others might help you out.

Best of luck and happy coding!