jeffposnick / create-react-pwa + Progressive Web App goodness

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Manifest icon + add to homescreen

arctouch-brunowolff opened this issue · comments

Hi there,

Thanks for the last update.. pwa (service-worker + manifest) by default is nice, but there's an issue that's still happening (I had the same thing when adding sw/manifest manually).

If you open Chrome Dev Tools -> Application and test the "Add to homescreen link" you'll get this:

screen shot 2017-05-19 at 20 05 03

I'm still not sure what's the cause.. I've tried using a different MIME type for the .ico extension (image/x-icon), removing the type, different sizes' values.. adding a png file and using that instead but I always had an error when trying the "Add to homescreen" link.

So I decided to copy the images folder + update the manifest to match the AirHorner PWA ( and it worked!! No errors when adding to homescreen.

screen shot 2017-05-19 at 20 14 30 has no details on this, but we might need some PNGs to address the issue.