jeffli678 / exiv2

Image metadata library and tools

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T A B L E _ OF _ C O N T E N T S

  1. Welcome to Exiv2
  2. Building and Installing Exiv2
    1. Build/Install/Uninstall Exiv2 on a UNIX-like system
    2. Build/Install Exiv2 with Visual Studio
    3. Build Options
    4. Dependencies
    5. Consuming Exiv2 with CMake
    6. Building Exiv2 Documentation
    7. Building Exiv2 Packages
  3. License and Support
    1. License
    2. Support
  4. Platform Notes
    1. Linux
    2. MacOS-X
    3. MinGW
    4. Cygwin
    5. Microsoft Visual C++
  5. Test Suit
    1. Running tests on a UNIX-like system
    2. Running tests on Visual Studio builds

Welcome to Exiv2


Exiv2 is a C++ library and a command line utility to read, write, delete and modify Exif, IPTC, XMP and ICC image metadata.

Exiv2 Resource Location
Project Homepage
Downloads and Documentation
License (GPLv2) license.txt
CMake Downloads

The file ReadMe.txt in a Build bundle describes how to install/link code with libraries for their respective platform.


2 Building and Installing Exiv2

You need CMake to build Exiv2:

2.1 Build/Install/Uninstall Exiv2 on a UNIX-like system

$ cd <exiv2dir> ; mkdir build ; cd build
$ cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" ; cmake --build . ; make test
$ sudo make install

This will install the library into the "standard locations". The library will be install in /usr/local/lib, executables (including the exiv2 command-line program) in /usr/local/bin/ and header files in /usr/local/include/exiv2

Uninstall Exiv2 on a UNIX-like system

$ sudo make uninstall


2.2 Build/Install Exiv2 with Visual Studio

We recommend that you use conan with CMake to build Exiv2 with Visual Studio. See README-CONAN for more information


2.3 Build options

There are two groups of CMake options. There are many options defined by CMake. Here are some particularly useful options:

Options Purpose
where to install on your computer (/usr/local)
type of build (Release)
build exiv2lib as shared or static (On)

Options defined by /CMakeLists.txt include:

576 rmills@rmillsmm:~/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2 $ grep ^option CMakeLists.txt
option( BUILD_SHARED_LIBS             "Build exiv2lib as a shared library"                    ON  )
option( EXIV2_ENABLE_XMP              "Build with XMP metadata support"                       ON  )
option( EXIV2_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_XMP     "Use external version of XMP"                           OFF )
option( EXIV2_ENABLE_PNG              "Build with png support (requires libz)"                ON  )
option( EXIV2_ENABLE_NLS              "Build native language support (requires gettext)"      ON  )
577 rmills@rmillsmm:~/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2 $

Options are defined on the CMake command line:



2.4 Dependencies

The following Exiv2 features are enabled by default and require external libraries. You can disable the dependency with CMake options:

Feature Package cmake option to disable Availability
PNG image support zlib -DEXIV2_ENABLE_PNG=Off
Native language support gettext -DEXIV2_ENABLE_NLS=Off
XMP support expat -DEXIV2_ENABLE_XMP=Off
Use Expat 2.2.6 and later

On Linux, you may install the dependencies using the distribution's package management system. Install the development package of a dependency to install the header files and static libraries required to build Exiv2.

You may choose to install dependences with conan. This is supported on all platforms and is especially useful for users of Visual Studio. See README-CONAN for more information.


2.5 Consuming Exiv2 with CMake

When installing exiv2 by running the install target we get some files under the folder ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/share/exiv2/cmake/.

In the example project you can see how to consume exiv2 via CMake using these files.


2.6 Building Exiv2 Documentation

$ cmake ..options.. -DEXIV2_BUILD_DOC=On
$ make doc

To build the documentation, you will need the following products:

Product Availability


2.7 Building Exiv2 Packages

There are two types of Exiv2 packages which are generated by cpack from the cmake command-line.

  1. Binary Package (library, headers, documentation and sample applications)

Create and build exiv2 for your plantform.

$ git clone
$ mkdir -p exiv2/build
$ cd       exiv2/build
$ cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles"
-- Build files have been written to: .../build
$ cmake --build . --config Release
[100%] Built target addmoddel
$ make package
CPack: - package: /path/to/exiv2/build/exiv2- generated.
  1. Source Package
$ make package_source
Run CPack packaging tool for source...
CPack: - package: /path/to/exiv2/build/exiv2- generated.

You may prefer to run $ cmake --build . --config Release --target package_source


3 License and Support

All project resources are accessible from the project website.

3.1 License

Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Exiv2 authors. You should have received a copy of the file license.txt which details the GPLv2 license.

Exiv2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Exiv2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


3.2 Support

For new bug reports and feature requests, please open an issue in Github.


4 Platform Notes

There are many ways to set up and configure your platform. The following notes are provided as a guide.

4.1 Linux

Update your system and install the build tools.

sudo apt --yes update
sudo apt install --yes build-essential git libxml2-utils cmake python3 libexpat1-dev

Get the code from GitHub and build

$ mkdir -p ~/gnu/github/exiv2
$ git clone
$ cd exiv2
$ mkdir build ; cd build ;
$ cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles"
$ make


4.2 MacOS-X

You will need to install Xcode and the Xcode command-line tools to build anything on the Mac.

You should build and install libexpat and zlib. You may use brew, macports, build from source, or use conan.

I recommend that you build and install CMake from source.


4.3 MinGW

We provide support for both 64bit and 32bit builds using MinGW/msys2.
Support for MinGW/msys1.0 32 bit build was provided for Exiv2 v0.26. MinGW/msys1.0 is not supported by Team Exiv2 for Exiv2 v0.27 and later.

MinGW/msys2 64 bit


I use the following batch file to start the MinGW/msys2 64 bit bash shell from the Dos Command Prompt (cmd.exe)

$ cat msys64.bat
set "PATH=c:\msys64\usr\bin;c:\msys64\usr\local\bin;c:\msys64\mingw64\bin;"
set "HOME=c:\msys64\home\%USER%"
set "PS1=\! \u@\h-64:\w \$ "
bash.exe -norc

MinGW/msys2 32 bit


I use the following batch file to start the MinGW/msys2 32 bit bash shell from the Dos Command Prompt (cmd.exe)

$ cat msys32.bat
set "PATH=c:\msys32\usr\bin;c:\msys32\usr\local\bin;c:\msys32\mingw64\bin;"
set "HOME=c:\msys32\home\%USER%"
set "PS1=\! \u@\h-32:\w \$ "
bash.exe -norc

Install MinGW Dependencies

for i in base-devel git cmake coreutils python3 man gcc gdb make dos2unix diffutils zlib-devel libexpat-devel libiconv-devel; do (echo y|pacman -S $i); done

Download exiv2 from github and build

$ mkdir -p ~/gnu/github/exiv2
$ git clone
$ cd exiv2
$ mkdir build ; cd build ;
$ cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles"
$ make

MinGW and Regex

The exiv2 command line program provides a --grep option which filters output. The implementation requires the header file <regex.h> and supporting library to be available during the build. When not available, the option degrades to a substring match. Because there are multiple versions of <regex.h> available on the MinGW platform, detection of Regex is always disabled on this platform.


4.4 Cygwin

Download: and run setup-x86_64.exe

You need: make, cmake, gcc, pkg-config, dos2unix, zlib-devel, libexpat1-devel, git, python3-interpreter, libiconv, libxml2-utils, libncurses.

Download and build libiconv-1.15:

Download and build cmake from source because I can't get the cygwin installed cmake 3.6.2 to work. To build cmake from source, you need libncurses.


4.5 Microsoft Visual C++

We recommend that you use Conan to build Exiv2 using Microsoft Visual C++. For v0.27, we support Visual Studio 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2017.

As well as Microsoft Visual Studio, you will need to install CMake, Python3, and Conan.

  1. Binary installers for CMake on Windows are availably from
  2. Binary installers for Python3 are available from
  3. Conan can be installed using python/pip. Details in


5 Running the test suite

The test suite is a mix of bash and python scripts. The python scripts are new to v0.27 and the bash scripts are being replaced as time permits.

5.1 Running tests on a UNIX-like system

You can run the suite directly from the build:

$ make build
$ make tests
... lots of output ...
Summary report

You can run individual tests in the test directory using the environment variable EXIV2_BINDIR to specify the location of the build artifacts. For Cygwin and MinGW/msys builds, also set EXIV2_EXT=.exe

rmills@rmillsmbp-w7 ~/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/build $ cd ../test
rmills@rmillsmbp-w7 ~/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/test $ env EXIV2_BINDIR=${PWD}/../build/bin ./
ICC jpg md5 webp md5 png md5 jpg md5
all testcases passed.

rmills@rmillsmbp-w7 ~/gnu/github/exiv2/exiv2/test $ env EXIV2_BINDIR=${PWD}/../build/bin make newtests


5.2 Running tests on Visual Studio builds

Use the bash interpreter for MinGW/msys2 to run the test suite. It's essential to have a DOS Python3 interpreter on your path. The variables EXIV2_BINDIR and EXIV2_EXT enable the test suite to locate the MSVC build artifacts.

$ cd <exiv2dir>/build
$ cd ../test
$ PATH="/c/Python36:$PATH"
$ export EXIV2_EXT=.exe
$ export EXIV2_BINDIR=${PWD}/../build/bin

Once you have modified the PATH and and exported EXIV2_BINDIR and EXIV2_EXT, you can execute the test suite as described for Unix type systems:

$ cd <exiv2dir>/test
$ make test
$ make newtests
$ ./



Image metadata library and tools

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:C++ 87.5%Language:Python 7.0%Language:Shell 2.3%Language:C 1.5%Language:CMake 1.0%Language:Roff 0.4%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:Ruby 0.0%Language:Batchfile 0.0%Language:sed 0.0%