jeffkreeftmeijer / vim-dim

Dim (/dɪm/; a contraction of Default IMproved) is a clone of Vim’s default colorscheme, with some improvements.

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high contrast version

MathGeniusJodie opened this issue · comments

Would you consider making a variant that uses mostly colors 9-15 instead of colors 1-7 for more contrast on dark backgrounds?
if not I will probably make a fork

Hey Jodie! I’d definitely consider linking to or merging in a high-contrast variant of Dim. It’d have to be a pretty direct copy, though (as in, whatever’s red remains red, but 9 instead of 1).

If you want to do this, I’d suggest looking at how Grim works. It’s a separate color sheme that loads Dim, then changes some of the colors.

exec "source " . expand('<sfile>:p:h') . "/dim.vim"

let colors_name = "brim"

highlight DiffAdd        ctermfg=0    ctermbg=10
highlight DiffChange     ctermfg=0    ctermbg=11
highlight DiffDelete     ctermfg=0    ctermbg=9

highlight Constant       ctermfg=9
highlight Identifier     ctermfg=14
highlight PreProc        ctermfg=13
highlight Special        ctermfg=13
highlight Statement      ctermfg=11
highlight Title          ctermfg=13 cterm=bold
highlight Type           ctermfg=10
highlight Underlined     cterm=underline ctermfg=13

Ha, I love the name “brim”!