JediMindtrick / ges-client

A node.js client library for (Get) Event Store

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A nodejs client library for (Get) Event Store

Build Status


Want to help out? Check out a waiting issue Stories in Ready


This client assumes that you already have an Event Store instance running.

Basic usage


$ npm install ges-client

Append and read from an event stream

var ges = require('ges-client')

// 1) Create a connection to a running EventStore
//    using default connection options and credentials
var connection = ges()
	, stream = 'intro-events'

// 2) Append events that can be read
connection.on('connect', function() {
	var appendData = {
	      expectedVersion: ges.expectedVersion.emptyStream
	    , events: [array of events]
	connection.appendToStream(stream, appendData, function(err, appendResult) {
	  if(err) return console.log('Ooops!', err) // connection error
	  // 3) Read first events from the stream
  	connection.readStreamEventsForward(stream, { start: 0, count: 1 }, function(err, readResult) {
	    if(err) return console.log('Ooops!', err) // connection error or stream does not exist

	    // ta da!

Subscribe to stream updates

var ges = require('ges-client')

// 1) Create a connection to a running EventStore
//    using default connection options and credentials
var connection = ges()
	, stream = 'intro-events'

// 2) Create a subscription
connection.on('connect', function() {
  var subscription = connection.subscribeToStream(stream)

	// 3) Listen for events
  subscription.on('event', function(evt) {
  	// ta da!

	var appendData = {
	      expectedVersion: ges.expectedVersion.emptyStream
	    , events: [array of events]
	connection.appendToStream(stream, appendData, function(err, appendResult) {
	  if(err) return console.log('Ooops!', err) // connection error

Major Feature Status

  • Connection (Partial - not all events are available)
  • Append to stream (Partial - except for transactions)
  • Read from stream (Complete)
  • Subscriptions (Partial - live subscription to stream only)
  • Read from all (Complete)
  • Stream ACLs (Not Started)
  • Transations (Not Started)
  • Stream deletes (Complete)
  • Stream metadata (Complete)

License & copyright

Copyright (c) 2014 Brian Mavity.

ges-client is licensed under the MIT license. All rights not explicitly granted in the MIT license are reserved. See the included file for more details.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Ken Pratt for writing the first version of this over at . It made early development go by much faster.


A node.js client library for (Get) Event Store
