jdidion / atropos

An NGS read trimming tool that is specific, sensitive, and speedy. (production)

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Question about adapter removal and length filtering

ElDeveloper opened this issue · comments

As far as I can tell from the code, and from some tests. When the command atropos trim removes adapters and filters sequences by length (say using --minimum-length) the sequences are first filtered by length and then adapters are removed. As a consequence there's sequences that might artificially pass the length filtering, because the adapter bases allow them to meet the minimum-length. Is this by design or is this a bug?

Modifiers (which include adapter trimming) are applied first, then filters are applied.

def handle_record(self, context, read1, read2=None):

@jdidion, thanks so much for replying! I have now found where I was getting confused, it was a mistake on my end.