jdeferred / jdeferred

Java Deferred/Promise library similar to JQuery.

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How to wait till all promises complete

johneke opened this issue · comments

I currently have code like this:

            DeferredManager d = new DefaultDeferredManager();
            .when(new DeferredObject().reject(""), new DeferredObject().promise(), new DeferredObject().promise())
            .then(new DoneCallback<MultipleResults>()
                public void onDone(MultipleResults result)
                    System.out.println("done called");
            .fail(new FailCallback<OneReject>()
                public void onFail(OneReject result)
                    System.out.println("fail called");
            .always(new AlwaysCallback<MultipleResults, OneReject>()
                public void onAlways(Promise.State state, MultipleResults resolved, OneReject rejected)
                    System.out.println("always called");

I am noticing that right away onFail gets called and onAlways gets called, since the first promise is rejected. It doesn't matter that all other promises in the chain are pending.

This is fine, but is there any way I can wait for all promises in the deferred manager to resolve/reject? And then collect them all together? I am looking for something similar to when.settle() in when.js

This sounds like a good enhancement!

Haha sounds good, I assumed it was possible and I just didn't know how to do it.

Ill work on a PR! Thanks!

This is added in #128, cheers!