jdeferred / jdeferred

Java Deferred/Promise library similar to JQuery.

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Notify progress

tyteen4a03 opened this issue · comments

How do I notify the progress from a Deferred object? I have the following code:

    Deferred<String, Exception, String> d = new DeferredObject<>();
    Promise<String, Exception, String> p = d.promise();
    new Thread(() -> {
        for (String name : names) {
            String expensiveOperationStepOutput = reallyExpensiveFunction(name)
            d.notify("Actual notification");
    return p;

And then somewhere I do:

    Promise<String, Exception, String> p = sm.fetchExpensiveThings();
    p.then(result -> {
    p.progress(progress -> System.out.println("Called!"));

But when I run the above code, I see a lot of "Notified" and a "Done" at the end, but never "Called". How do I do this?


That's interesting - I've a feeling that the notify already finished by the time p.progress(...) was called. If you put a sleep within the for loop to slow it down you should see it (and you shouldn't do it aside from testing to see it's actually being called).

Could I trouble you to give that a try to validate?


please reopen if you were having more issues. thanks!