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Thorough check on nullable/non-nullable arguments

aalmiray opened this issue · comments

For example DeferredRunnable(StartPolicy) does not check if its argument is null or not, perhaps assign a default value just like DeferredCallable does.

It might be a good idea to state the nullability of arguments and return types. This has been done in part in DeferredManager on the type safe versions of when, race, and settle.

thinking of using FindBugs and JSR 305 annotations, and going through all the input params thoroughly on DeferredManager and callbacks.

Should we do this before or after #157?

I'm a big fan of JSR-305 and I use whenever I can. This being said there are a few problems with it https://blog.codefx.org/java/jsr-305-java-9/

I think it would be better to perform a static analysis of the code without applying annotations to the source. We can do this with Findbugs and IntelliJ (both of them).

eak :( what should we use?
There are several options that can provide kotlin interop - https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/java-interop.html

The thing is, if we choose existing @Nonnull/@Nullable we'll add an extra dependency to JDeferred, right now core only depends on slf4j-api. What worries me by bringing JSR-305 is the fact that someone may get in trouble setting up JDeferred with the module system.

hm, can it be an optional dependency? i.e., in normal cases and be optional during the runtime?

The annotations from JSR-305 have runtime as retention policy. I'm afraid adding it's not possible to add them as an optional dependency.

doh! will put that on hold then, and just add null checks