jdeferred / jdeferred

Java Deferred/Promise library similar to JQuery.

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JDeferred 2.0 - Roadmap

saturnism opened this issue · comments

  • Cancellable - See #88 #98 #39 #123
    • Core library
    • Android library
    • Javadocs
    • Update README & Site
  • Move some types to package visible but not public - See #90
  • Type-safety up to 5 arguments - See #114, #113, #112 @aalmiray
    • Core library
    • Android library
    • Javadocs
    • Update README & Site
  • Global uncaught exception handler - See #75
  • Accept iterable - See #121
  • Remove 1.x deprecations - See #120 @saturnism

Nice to have, possibly 2.1:

  • Settle - See #79, #128
  • Race - See #127
  • Convenience methods in Promises #88

@aalmiray I feel some of these things were done in the last 2.x branch merge. I updated the list, PTAL.

@aalmiray the exceptions handlers needs to be registered with every promise, specifically in AbstractPromise in the triggerXYZ() methods. If we pass the reference in a constructor, that'll mean every subclass will have to get it and will change a lot of signatures. Moreover, promises that aren't created by DeferredManager won't register.

Alternatively, we can have a static global class that holds the exception handler and every promise instances would just refer to that. This would work w/ all promises even those created outside of DeferredManager. wdyt?

The problem with a static global location is thread-safety and synchronization. We could "cheat" by using ThreadLocal but can't guarantee it will work 100% of the times. My MO when braking APIs between major versions is "if we're going to break compatibility we do it in the most spectacular way in order to ensure a better API, that is, sometimes we have to burn bridges while supplying fusion powevered hovercrafts to cross the river ;-)"

on the other hand, associating it to every deferred object might be too much for a crosscutting concern though. let's discuss more at baselone 😄

@aalmiray regarding the convenience method, the best I have so far is Promises.resolve(...) and Promises.reject(...). I can't think of anything else at the moment. Should we still include it?

They can also be part of DeferredManager, e.g., dm.resolve(...)

I think so, as it's the only way to support resolved/rejected promises with Iterable for example. that way there's no longer a need to update the current impl to be able to handle a resolved value, as it'll be wrapped with a Promise 😄

Do you feel it should be part of DeferredManager, or, a new class w/ static methods, e.g.Promises?

My gut feeling tells me it should be part of DeferredManager for now, as that's the place where Promises are created, other than explicit construction via DeferredObject. There are only 2 methods for now, don't think that warrants a Promises or PromiseUtil utility class just yet. If it comes to that, we can re-route DM to the utility class at a later stage.

i think we are almost done :D