jdeferred / jdeferred

Java Deferred/Promise library similar to JQuery.

Home Page:jdeferred.org

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Version 1.2.6 on maven central ?

aveuiller opened this issue · comments


It would be nice to have access to this library on Android, do you plan to release the next snapshot soon?

Thanks. :)

I'm hoping to see 1.2.6 coming out soon too.
Really would like to use it in my project.

For those interested, I uploaded the 1.2.6 artifact under another group id while waiting for the official release: https://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cio.apisense.jdeferred

Hiya! apologies for the delay here. Thanx @aveuiller! I'll get this out soon :)

thanks patiently waiting! @saturnism

apologies for the delays. :) it's been pushed to bintray, and sync'ing w/ maven central.

it should be there now, cheers! @aveuiller thnx again for jumping in to help as well! really appreciate it.