jdeath / Hubspace-Homeassistant

Hubspace Integration for Home Assistant

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New Huskey Water Timer Device

darrenblanchard opened this issue · comments

I think I may have it working:

Added to the _add_entity :

elif deviceClass == "water-timer":
    _LOGGER.debug("Creating WaterTimer")
    entities.append(HubspaceWaterTimer(hs, friendlyName, "1", debug))
    entities.append(HubspaceWaterTimer(hs, friendlyName, "2", debug))

Added to the bottom of light.py :

class HubspaceWaterTimer(LightEntity):
"""Representation of an Awesome Light."""

def __init__(
) -> None:
    """Initialize an AwesomeLight."""

    self._name = friendlyname + "_spigot_" + outletIndex

    self._debug = debug
    self._state = "off"
    self._childId = childId
    self._model = model
    self._brightness = None
    self._usePrimaryFunctionInstance = False
    self._hs = hs
    self._deviceId = deviceId
    self._debugInfo = None
    self._outletIndex = outletIndex

    if None in (childId, model, deviceId, deviceClass):
        ] = self._hs.getChildId(friendlyname)

async def async_setup_entry(hass, entry):
    """Set up the media player platform for Sonos."""

    platform = entity_platform.async_get_current_platform()

            vol.Required("functionClass"): cv.string,
            vol.Required("value"): cv.string,
            vol.Optional("functionInstance"): cv.string,
def name(self) -> str:
    """Return the display name of this light."""
    return self._name

def unique_id(self) -> str:
    """Return the display name of this light."""
    return self._childId + "_" + self._outletIndex

def color_mode(self) -> ColorMode:
    """Return the color mode of the light."""
    return ColorMode.ONOFF

def supported_color_modes(self) -> set[ColorMode]:
    """Flag supported color modes."""
    return {self.color_mode}

def send_command(self, field_name, field_state, functionInstance=None) -> None:
    self._hs.setState(self._childId, field_name, field_state, functionInstance)

def set_send_state(self, field_name, field_state) -> None:
    self._hs.setState(self._childId, field_name, field_state)
def is_on(self) -> bool | None:
    """Return true if light is on."""
    if self._state is None:
        return None
        return self._state == "on"

def turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        self._childId, "toggle", "spigot-" + self._outletIndex, "on"

def extra_state_attributes(self):
    """Return the state attributes."""
    attr = {}
    attr["model"] = self._model
    attr["deviceId"] = self._deviceId + "_" + self._outletIndex
    attr["devbranch"] = False

    attr["debugInfo"] = self._debugInfo

    return attr

def turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
    """Instruct the light to turn off."""
        self._childId, "toggle", "spigot-" + self._outletIndex, "off"

def should_poll(self):
    """Turn on polling"""
    return True

def update(self) -> None:
    """Fetch new state data for this light.

    This is the only method that should fetch new data for Home Assistant.
    self._state = self._hs.getStateInstance(
        self._childId, "toggle", "spigot-" + self._outletIndex
    if self._debug:
        self._debugInfo = self._hs.getDebugInfo(self._childId)

Yup. That is probably the best way to add it. Does it return a model number? Might be better to check that instead of deviceClass, just in case they release another water timer. But they may not return a model number, so what you did is ok in that case.

Make sure the code you added in _add_entity is before the:

        _LOGGER.debug("creating lights")
        entities.append(HubspaceLight(hs, friendlyName, debug))

If you could do a PR to the latest code in the repo, that would be helpful. I just merged another PR, so add your code to the latest light.py

Nice job!

I have never done a Pull Request, I think I created one properly... Model number was "TBD"

I am having an issue where the water time doesn't auto load to which I add it in configuration and it kills the connection of my diskol fan. I tried adding the fan through configuration as well and it pulls it in through the main device name. While I don't mind having to rename or reset my automation, I wanted to know if there is not something else I should try before doing so. Thank you.

Autoload is only supported on a few devices, as I did not write that code. There is not a way to autoload for some devices, and use configuration file for others. Sorry.

You can look at light.py around line 239. That is how it autoloads a landscape transformer, which is close in structure to the water timer. You can add a block to try to autoload the water timer. I did not write the auto load code or the water timer code. And have no way to test. If you get it to work, please do a PR.

I was able to set up the timer using the water timer using the landscape transformer as a template. Still could bring in the plug that the setup came with to act as a WiFi hub. I am guessing that they use a different deviceId for it. How did you find out what the deviceId was for everything else?
I did put in a PR so things can get updated.