jdah / jdh-8

An 8-bit minicomputer with a fully custom architecture

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Question about implementing jdh-8 support into TRSE

leuat opened this issue · comments

Hi there! First of all, thanks for this wonderful project! Really amazing stuff.

Second, check out TRSE (www.turborascal.com), my modern IDE + pascal compiler + resource management solution for 65(c)02/Z80/X86/Motorola 68000 computers. Some yt videos:

or check out my youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/leuat79) or https://lemonspawn.com/gallery_/ for a list of showcases

So the actual question: Would you be OK if I (just for fun) went ahead added support for your CPU + computer into TRSE? Since my compiler is modular/easily extendable, adding support for your CPU should be a piece of cake - even better since you've already providing code for mul16 and div etc etc (I'm used to the 6502 and z80). In that case, a user would be able to rapidly start a new project for your system -> type a couple of lines of Pascal -> press Ctlr+R ->program gets executed automatically in your emulator. If you're wondering how this would look, then download TRSE and check out how I've added support for 15-20ish old computers and their respective emulators + have over 400 tutorials / sample projects.

Reason why I wanted to do this: your code is clean. emulator readily available, no hassle with start addresses, assembler included, compiles out of the box. I have my own 6502/z80 assembler, and could easily create my own for your CPU - but since you already provide an assembler.. I'm lazy =)

btw I also made my own "fake" computer, though emulator only - which uses a 6502 + SID - check out a demo on the computer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqIxwTUWUh0.




Go for it! Don't hesitate to ask if the documentation is unclear anywhere.

thanks! If I manage to get the example file working properly, I'll see if I'll get it implemented. will let you know later! Just gotta get the basics up and running first..


The first example is fixed now with 2b3b598, the OS will just jmp [ADDR_RAM] after setting up the stack and memory bank register!

so the final question is then.. what should the stack register 0xfffd point to by default? and the memory bank register 0xfffa? Just so we can have some default values.. I'm getting pong to display, but it crashes instantly (I'm not doing anything to set up SP etc)

ok just set

poke(&state, 0xFFFF, 0xC0);
poke(&state, 0xFFFD, 0xBF);

in main in order to get everything up and running. everything seems to work now, thanks!


SP can really point wherever, but it's typically set to 0xFEFF and MB is 0 for regular RAM and 1 for the graphics memory bank.

First, check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PY0lXf3tpQ on how JDH-8 is implemented

Screenshot 2022-01-05 at 12 24 21

Ok so I spent 3 hours this morning adding basic JDH-8 support into TRSE. This means

  • Point the TRSE settings to the JDH-8 base dir
  • System has been added, with all the required classes and settings
  • when building / executing (ctrl+R), the output .asm is built with your assembler + the emulator is started
  • Added JDH-8 image format into TRSE (based off CGA for now)

Mind you: the compiler is currently empty, and the only allowed keyword is ... inline assembler! The next step is to implement assign statements, for statements, while, procedure calls etc.. these are already defined in a parent class so all I need to do is fill in missing instructions etc. But will probably take some time. And I'm usually quite lazy.

Some missing features / wishes from JDH-8:

  • "incbin" feature in the assembler to include binary data
  • proper kill on close. The process (on macos at least) hangs and I need to do a "killall emu"
  • set up default SP and PP (which I'm now setting manually in emu.c)
  • Smart way to point to OS dir, so the user doesn't have to symlink to it?

Dunno how motivated/interested you are on continuing work on your computer, but I usually make a lot of demos for various platforms. Check out

BBC Micro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnAoYDjVLjc
C64: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0G5IxSBQl4
Gameboy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jY4wqkSxBs

so if you're keen, I could probably produce some (fake) 3d effects and other cool stuff. That is, .. after I've actually implemented the rest of the compiler =) Love the risc-like instruction set btw.

let me know your thoughts! ^L

another example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqIxwTUWUh0 is a demo for my own computer (emulator only, I suck at HW)

Did some more work on the compiler: you can now do for loops, call functions, assign variables / pointers, lookup pointers and perform single binary operations. No mul/div yet. If you try to do a:=(b+c)*d+2, it will fail. for now.

Video of the test setup, written in Rascal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws1cwZvYMD0

Some questions (when you have time, and I'm here):
a) no shift left/right instructions? supposed to use mul/div instead?
b) the index register H+L .. how are they supposed to be used? on the 6502, you have an index register lda (p),x, but I guess HL here is supposed to be used as on the Z80? So in order to shift to a specific address in a table, you would typically do

lda [table]
lw16 a,b,[index]
lw a,h,l ; loads the word

or did I misunderstand the intended use?

cheers! ^L


a) no shift left/right instructions? supposed to use mul/div instead?

shl/shr are included in the os/lib/shift.asm file as callable procedures

b) the index register H+L .. how are they supposed to be used?

HL are the only way to access memory indirectly - that is, if you have an pointer in AB that you want want to load data from you need to first move AB into HL and then lw <reg> to get the data out.